Dues will be $30.00 Per year and must be paid in full by April 1st.
After the original 40 charter members there will be a $15.00 initiation fee.
Meetings will be held on the 4th Thursday of the following months: January, February, March, April, May,
and October. All other club business will be taken care of after scheduled tournaments
Membership Cap
Club membership is limited to 40 members, 20 boats total at any tournament. Amendment
# 1. The club membership is not limited to 40 members. Effective 1-27-2005 per majority membership vote.
Tournaments will be scheduled Monday through friday, from the hours 4 pm to 8 pm.Adjustments can be
made only in the fall tournaments due to shorter days. Entry fee will be $ 10.00 per member. This fee is not subject to change.
Election of officers
The officers of Sunset Anglers will remain in place until the officer decides to step down from his or her
chair, At which time a majority vote by the body will elect a permanent replacement.
4- boats-2 places
1 winner 100%
5-9 boats-3 places 2
winners 60/40
Over 10 - 4 placed 3
winners 50/30/20